Monday, September 30, 2013

9 tips to use in web design

Nowadays, the website design is increasingly easy and convenient. Web designers psdtosite will give you 9 tips to use in web design in order to increase the usefulness of every site.

1. Put your name and logo on every page and create a link for logo to lead  to the homepage (except the homepage, the logo should not be an affiliate link. Besides, you should not have a link back immediately to the current page).

2. Provide Search feature if the site has more than 100 pages. Write simple and easy to understand titles and page titles, clearly explain what the page is about and it is useful to read.

3. Building site structure to create convenient conditions for reading and helping visitors to grasp information easily.

4. Using hypertext. Instead of putting everything about a product or topic into a single page, you should utilize the hypertext to build content space into a starting page that provides an overview and several secondary pages and each site focuses on a specific topic. The purpose of this construction is to allow visitors to avoid wasting time on the sub-topics, topics that are not related to them.
5. Use the product pictures. You should only have a small photo on each individual product page and a link to a photo or multiple photos that show details as the desire of visitors. This change depends on the type of product. Some products require zoom in, zoom or rotate pictures, but to reserve all the previous posts for the level 2 page. The initial product page should be fast and limited to a thumbnail image.

6. Use the image thumbnail feature to highlight the relevance when preparing small photos and images. Instead of resizing the original image simply, zoom in according to the most appropriate aspects and use the combination of cropping and resizing.

7. Use link titles to provide users a preview of each link will take them before they click on it.

8. Ensure that all important pages are easy to access for users with disability, particularly those with visual impairment.
9. Please do the same as anyone else: if most big websites do something in a certain way, follow them because the visitor also wants to do on your site. Remember the law of the Web User Experience of Jakob : The users use the most of their time on other sites, so that is the place they form to know how the site is active.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tips to use website effectively

To exploit all elements of a website efficiently, businesses be aware of the characteristics of the sites and make sure that your website should meet these requirements.

1. Customer awareness
To achieve economic benefits from website activities, enterprises should first make it popular. This is the website marketing. 100 % business website will almost useless without marketing.

2. Stickiness
Suppose that there are many people visiting your site as a result of the investment in money, effort for website marketing. But if the viewers only visit one time then never comes back again, the corporate website really does not bring much benefit. Thus, business website needs to have useful information that meets the needs of visitors .

As a business website, it is only used to display the information, images of products, services but few current information. But audiences only pay attention to products and services of business, so just provide enough information about what you provide. If possible, you should give some additional information to attract customers and make a good impression for them. For example, the website of the tea producers should have an introduction about the types of tea , usage and its advantages. Most importantly, businesses need give information to convince customers that "Why do they use your product and service"

3. Decision to buy
If the customers want to buy products and services of the enterprise, it is important for website design to have the attractive and eye-catching information so that the visitors decide to purchase without hesitation. If not, you will lose a potential customer if they visit other pages. Information should be persuasive, stimulus and attractive.

4 . Convenience
When the visitors decide to buy your products, you must provide information , utility functions so that customers can easily purchase. For example, you should provide email, telephone number,mobile number,company address online purchasing function.Unfortunately if viewers decide to buy but they do not know how to buy.
The first important thing is to have a professional website at a prestigious web design company. Psdtosite company is typical example. You can visit their website to get more useful information.